Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Create-a-Caption winners: Adam Schefter’s lockout job

With all the recent optimism surrounding the lockout, it's best we get on naming the best captions from our most recent Create-a-Caption contest, based on the picture posted by ESPN NFL reporter Adam Schefter on his Twitter account. Schefter claimed that he was just looking for contingency plans�during the labor mess, but our commentariat had other ideas, and you'll see them below.

Kudos to Schefter himself for being a good sport and linking our goofy contest on his Twitter feed, encouraging captions on our behalf ? the ones from Patycake15 and Castrophany arrived in that fashion. He's one of the good guys.

1. Patycake15: "I don't care if you ARE an entertainer and an icon ? I still need to see ID!"

2. Use A Brain, Sometimes: "The difference between you and me: I make this look good."

3. Castrophany: "This is still better than camping out on Brett Favre's lawn..."

4. Jim: "The lockout stops HERE. No, really, it does have to stop here. I need to raise the gate."

5. Evan: "Thanks Mort. A league source has informed me that you can park now."

6. Chris: "Key sources tell me that Mel Kiper, Jr. and Chris Mortensen will be having the corned beef on rye at the ESPN cafeteria at approximately 12:45 today. This was confirmed when Mort showed me his lunch money as he pulled through the gate. Look for a further update as this story develops. Back to you, Mike."

7. Joshua S: "This seems the best way to interview Brandon Marshall's wife."

8. Shaun: "This is NOT what I expected when Ohio State offered me a position as the next Jim Tressel."

9. Legal Eagle: "Well, Global Securities took a risky signing here -- he's coming off a long layoff and might only be able to go for a few weeks but he has tremendous upside. Good signing by Global Securities overall."

10. Andrew H: "Mr. James? Where are you going? The fourth quarter just started!"

Teri Hatcher Lauren Bush Natalie Zea Brody Dalle Taryn Manning

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