Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jeff Passan’s sixth annual Opening Day Blogapaloozathon

You are part of something here at the Sixth Annual Opening Day�Blogapaloozathon, an endeavor that requires teamwork, cooperation and a willingness to completely ignore work and revel in the holiday that is the first full day of baseball in 2011!

First time on�the�Stew? Like what you see? For a season's worth of baseball fun, make sure to�bookmark our main page,�subscribe to our RSS feed or�follow us on Twitter.

For more than half a decade now we have contributed proudly to the decay of the workplace, and we plan to continue that with aplomb not only for Thursday's appetizer of six games (weather permitting!) but also Friday's late arrival of nine openers. The chatting fun starts at 1 p.m. ET ? sharp ? on both days.

I am Jeff Passan,�Blogapaloozathon ringmaster, and please join the chat where I'll have an array of special guest stars including Kevin Kaduk, Ian Casselberry and Mark Townsend of my gracious host,�Big League Stew.

And, of course, there will be lots of Carl Balboaz. If you haven't heard of Carl, that's because he doesn't exist. Except at the�Blogapaloozathon. Four years ago, I asked my wife who was going to win American�League MVP. She said Carl Balboaz. She doesn't know why. The name just came to her. And that is the essence of the�Blogapaloozathon: be funny, be wild, be spontaneous, be different ? and just be here, where the goal is to lose tens of thousands of dollars in productivity across the American workforce, all in the name of the greatest unofficial holiday this country knows.

Long live the Opening Day�Blogapaloozathon!

Catherine Bell Tessie Santiago Jessica Simpson Mandy Moore Shannon Elizabeth

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